Bill Tovar's Strut Report



Bill Tovar's Strut Report

Posted 2014-04-01T07:49:00Z

Bill Tovar's Strut Report

Strut Report Details
Strut Stage:Pre Strut
Temperature:31 to 40 degrees
Precipitation:Light Rain
Wind:20+ mph
Cloud Conditions:Partly Cloudy
Food Sources:Crop fields
Gobbling Activity:Haven't heard a turkey in three days
Strutting Field Activity:The only gobblers I'm seeing in fields are picking at cow pies
Hen Gobbler Activity:Gobblers, jakes and hens are still together in winter flocks
Seen Any Poults Yet:Not yet

Still grouped up, weather has not been good, havent made a sound coming off of roost, or on the ground, hoping things change pretty soon cause season is about to start, the weather needs to warm up and stay warm, gonna be a late gobble this yr i believe.