Carol Mittelsdorf's Strut Report



Carol Mittelsdorf's Strut Report

Posted 2015-03-23T14:45:00Z

Carol Mittelsdorf's Strut Report

Strut Report Details
Strut Stage:Peak Strut
Temperature:21 to 30 degrees
Wind:5 - 10 mph
Cloud Conditions:Partly Cloudy
Food Sources:Bugs
Gobbling Activity:Sporadic gobbling
Strutting Field Activity:Dominant birds strutting with harems of hens
Hen Gobbler Activity:Gobblers, jakes and hens are still together in winter flocks
Seen Any Poults Yet:Not yet

Spring Strut, New York City... Although you can't hunt the wild turkeys of Staten Island, it is a wonderful opportunity to practice calls and an to observe so many turkeys.