Northeast Rut Report: Cold Weather Forecast Through the Weekend


Northeast Rut Report: Cold Weather Forecast Through the Weekend

Posted 2019-12-18T11:49:00Z  by  Josh Montgomery

What deer activity are you seeing?

Northeast Rut Report: Cold Weather Forecast Through the Weekend - c_bruce_macqueen-shutterstock-ne

The late season is here, but that isn't a bad thing. There's still some good hunting left.


I spoke with avid bowhunter Josh Tucker out of northwestern Delaware. Tucker is seeing decent scraping activity of late. A few familiar bucks that he has not seen in weeks recently returned. Evening movement has been best close to food during the last hour or so of light. Tucker noted activity was better deeper in the timber. A trail camera he placed a few hundred yards in is seeing good morning activity.


In central Pennsylvania, I spoke with big-buck killer Matt Lewis. He spent the weekend hunting family ground. Deer movement was good, but it seemed better in the afternoons. Lewis witnessed good buck movement on one of his recent evening sits. A mature buck moved through the timber with a group of does about an hour before dark. Deer seemed to definitely be holding tight to thick cover. Scraping activity picked back up recently, though.

In south-central Pennsylvania, Midwest Whitetail pro staffer Austin Beebe had a few good things to say. Beebe said deer movement has been OK overall, but the last hour of the day is the best. Deer are focusing on green food sources and corn.

Region as a Whole

I've received several reports of localized scraping activity, but mostly on community scrapes, and nothing too serious or consistent. But make no mistake, the rut is over.

Winter is officially a few days away, and cold weather should persist until early next week. Food is king, and hopefully you have something close by to pull deer your way. If you have a buck flirting with shooting light, these colder temperatures should help get him moving a little earlier. Dress warm, and get in and out undetected.

Don't Miss: Kill a Late-Season Stud in 5 Days

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